Basic Principles of Pilates

Principles of Pilates

‘What is balance of body and mind?  It’s the conscious control of all muscular movements of the body’ – Joseph Pilates

Joseph Pilates’s goal was to develop the perfect balance between strength and flexibility.

Pilates practice is a series of flowing coordinated movements preformed with control focused on quality of the movement.  Correct breathing assists with efficiency of each movement and also helps relaxation of mind and body.  With regular practice, Pilates will decrease areas of tension within the body.  This allows constructive changes to occur.

Pilates’s main focus is on encouraging the recruitment of the deep core muscles whilst maintaining correct body alignment.  Even after a short period of practice, you will feel and see changes in your body.

In order to practice Pilates effectively, you need to grasp the basic philosophy behind the method.  Joseph Pilates taught that one of the main results of Pilates practice is gaining complete control of the body.  This shows in the execution of the movements; slow, controlled, flowing movements done with thoughtful awareness.

The Principles of Pilates are:

  • Concentration
  • Relaxation
  • Alignment
  • Breathing
  • Centring
  • Coordination
  • Flowing movements
  • Stamina
  • Control
  • Precision